If I started running now - just picked a direction and set off - I wonder where I would end up?
And if I continued along my way for hours - ignored the pain and the fatigue - I wonder what would happen?
If I just took no notice of the warning signs my body was providing - kept on and on for miles - would I just run forever?
Or would I - as I strongly suspect I would - simply drop dead?
And if I continued along my way for hours - ignored the pain and the fatigue - I wonder what would happen?
If I just took no notice of the warning signs my body was providing - kept on and on for miles - would I just run forever?
Or would I - as I strongly suspect I would - simply drop dead?
There is something wrong with this picture. I no longer feel like the Elisa I know so well.
My heart hurts.
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Thanks for showing me some love ;)